Day 1 of 100 Days of Code

Day 1 of 100 Days of Code


2 min read

Why I started my 100 Days of Code?

Recently, I had what I'd like to call my CANON EVENT. This absolutely had to happen for me to land my first job as a software engineer. After nearly a month of studying DSA, doing mock interviews, practicing behavioral questions... I FAILED my Google apprenticeship interview...

Well, maybe not the entire thing. But the technical part made me realize that I absolutely needed to brush up on my fundamentals and dive deeper into DSA. So the next time I interview at Google, it won't be the technical part that trips me up.

Over the next 100 Days I will:

  • Keep myself accountable with daily learning

  • Refresh my Javascript fundamentals

  • Practice DSA on Codewars

  • Dive deeper in advanced React

  • Built both personal / portfolio projects

  • Apply to apprenticeships & software engineering jobs

What I learned today on Day 1

Today, I continued with Jonas Schmedtmann's course on Udemy. So far it's been great! He does a really great job of breaking down the course, so it's understandable and he includes visuals.

I've already built two group projects using Next.js but I had to learn as I was building so I feel like there's a few gaps in my knowledge. Today I built two Avatar components from scratch while learning about the rules of JSX, props, and list rendering in React.

My avatar card vs. Jonas' example

My challenge today was truly understanding how props work. This is something I will review on Day 2 and include an explanation in my own words.

Thanks for joining me on 100 Days of Code! I look forward to the personal growth and landing my first job as a software engineer โœจ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป

Can you answer this?

Here's something I learned today. Answer in the comments if you know the answer!

  • Why do we use .map vs .forEach when rendering lists in React?